Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have been asked several times about children. The question of children and those who might try to live out this proposal while also having as many children as they desire is a good question. Here are some thoughts:

First, let me suggest that thrust of the proposal is for a community of people who covenant together to talk about this kind of stuff. The specifics of the proposal, are just that, a proposal.

Second, I think the questions raised about children vs. single folks are excellent questions. I suppose the minimum salary ought to be a ceiling. Thus, Sarah and I ought to be able to live on less than the minimum while those who have three kids will probably be tight. But this covenantal group should never frown on having children. There might be some kind of exception for those who have more than a certain number of children (maybe a $1000/yr addition to the minimum salary for each child...I'm just guessing on amounts here...).

Lastly, I tend to think that some of these issues are more a crisis of imagination. After living in Isaiah House for a year and a half I can imagine things I couldn't imagine before. Living in community with others makes that possible.

Feel free to push back. There are still lots of loose ends out there.


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